Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Classic Folk : Gordon Lightfoot 1
Classic Folk : Gordon Lightfoot 1
The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
Gordon Lightfoot - If You Could Read My Mind ('74)
Gordon Lightfoot - Early Morning Rain (Live in Chicago - 1979)
gordon lightfoot canadian railroad trilogy live in concert bbc 1972
Gordon Lightfoot - Sundown 1974
gordon lightfoot summer side of life live in concert bbc 1972
Gordon Lightfoot - Song For A Winter's Night
Gordon Lightfoot - Wedding Song
Gordon Lightfoot - An Old Friend
Gordon Lightfoot - Seven Island Suite
Monday, April 29, 2013
Meet Hippocrates and Galen
Meet Hippocrates and Galen
Law of Hippocrates - Hear and Read the Full Text
Hippocrates of Kos - How the "Father of Medicine" Changed the World
Hippocrates Father of Modern Medicine or is he
Galen and Hippocrates - Who were they?
Classical Views of Disease: Hippocrates, Galen, and Humoralism
Galen's Place in the History of Medicine
Ancient Healthcare and Modern Wellbeing
Sunday, April 28, 2013
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : The Key Hexagram
Gu Zheng Solo: Bei Bei Lantern Festival Performances
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : The Key Hexagram
In ancient times people used yarrow sticks to consult the I Ching. It was a complicated process in which changing lines occured less frequently. Gradually people switched over to the coins, which is what everybody uses today. I have three wheatback pennies.
To consult the I Ching you first think of your question, and then you will cast the three coins six times. After each toss of the coins, you mark down what came up, starting at the bottom & working up to the top. These may be yin lines or yang lines, and they may also be changing lines, or not. Changing lines are lines that change from yin to yang or yang to yin. These are the most important, because they show you the critical points in what you are dealing with in the answer to your question.
3 heads are a yin changing line. -x- 2 heads and a tail are a yang line --- 1 head and two tails are a yin line - - 3 tails are a yang changing line. -o-
The way people have been doing this for thousands of years, is that when you have changing lines you end up with two hexagrams. The hexagram you threw is written down first. Then you write down the second one beside it. The lines that were not changing remain the same in both hexagrams, but the changing lines will become the opposite of what they were in the first hexagram.
The first hexagram will tell you what to do, and the second hexagram will tell you what you can accomplish. The changing lines will guide you through the important parts of this process. This is what I like about the I Ching. The Tarot is great for explaining what is going on in a situation, but the I Ching tells you what to do about it.
The KEY hexagram completes the process, because it explains why you should be following the advice given in the first & second hexagrams. In all of my years of research, I've never seen that anyone has ever written about this idea, so I will assume that it is my own innovation. It is really quite a simple concept, but the KEY hexagram has shed light on everything that I use the I Ching for. If you consider that lines that do not change are yin, and that lines that do change are yang, then you can write down a third hexagram. This is what I call the KEY.
The KEY hexagram shows the relationship between the first & second. Now if there is a theme that runs throughout the entire I Ching, it is all about relationships, and the leverage to make things happen. Consequently, understanding the relationship between the two hexagrams you get when you consult the I Ching is essential. It is like a sentence has been constructed : You should do this (1st hexagram), in order to accomplish this (2nd hexagram), BECAUSE of this (the Key hexagram).
Linking up everything together in this way, has made the I Ching much more understandable for me. Before I discovered the KEY hexagram, often I would ask the I Ching a question, and still have doubts about what it was telling me. It doesn't help much to understand what an oracle is telling you, after you need that knowledge, does it? The KEY hexagram cleared that problem up for me, because when you understand the underlying pattern of a situation, the details become very clear.
To use my online translation of the I Ching, open three browser tabs to the Hexagram Index page. Then you can click on the hexagrams you want to study, and switch between the browser tabs for comparison.
These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Classic Comedy : Laurel and Hardy 3
Habitat for Humanity Videos 5
Habitat for Humanity Videos 5
World Habitat Day 2009: President Obama's speech
World Habitat Day 2009: Shaun Donovan (Honorary Dinner)
World Habitat Day 2009: Dr. Judith Rodin (Honorary Dinner) part 1
World Habitat Day 2009: Dr. Judith Rodin (Honorary Dinner) part 2
World Habitat Day 2009: Jonathan Reckford (Honorary Dinner)
World Habitat Day 2009: Dr. Anne Marie Slaughter (Honorary Dinner)
World Habitat Day 2009: Valerie Jarrett (Honorary Dinner)
World Habitat Day 2009: Dr Anna Tibaijuka (Honorary Dinner)
Global Village: Building Relationships
A Breath of Fresh Air: Carter Work Project 2009
Basket Weaving 5
Basket Weaving 5
Basket Weaving Video 26a - Mini Muffin Basket - Step 1 with Braided Rim
Basket Weaving Video #26b - Mini Muffin Basket Step 2 of the Braided Rim
Basket Weaving Video #26c - Mini Muffin Basket - Step 3 of the Braided Rim
Basket Weaving Video #26d - Mini Muffin Basket - Step 4 of the Braided Rim
How to Weave A Basket - Jack o'lantern Basket
How to Weave a Basket - Basket with Spindle Handle and Crows Feet
How to Weave a Basket - Taking Your Basket Weaving to the Next Level
Basket Weaving - Miniature Christmas Sleigh
Basket Weaving - Victorian Christmas Basket
Basket Weaving - Garden Seed Basket
Friday, April 26, 2013
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar : Week of Innocence
~ JUDY COLLINS ~ In My Life ~
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar
The original state of mind is innocence
Pace yourself. Be Powerful. Restrain your impulses. Recognize your Limitations. Press forward. Explore.
See the problem. Adhere to principles. Enjoy your Friends. Do the work. Make a statement. Create a Following
Be natural and genuine
The Image
Lightning strikes! Think about your attitudes. Expand your horizons. Become the Spiritual Light.
The Inside
Be very careful when you are alone on the Path of life. Be aware. Hard work eventually pays off, if you refrain from boasting about your position. Be aware. The Bees cooperate with each other. With an ally you can undertake bold ventures. Be wary, prepared, and have a definate aim in view. Good luck. The Bees adapt to the situation. Flow with the current to get into the correct position. Relax. The Bees are persistent. Do not become intoxicated by success. Maintain the methods, organization & discpline that put you where you are. Think! Do not alienate the Bees. Trouble captures those who fail to use their insight! Misfortune!
The Outside
Always be prepared for a retreat. Look ahead! Persevere in your tasks. Maintain a low profile. Good fortune. Do not allow your attitude to generate mistrust. Be real. Follow the Middle Way, and serve the people in order to accomplish larger goals. Be Real. Strive always to be just and fair, and remember that you are responsible for the results. Be Realistic! The Butterfly shows The Way. The Bees are wise. The Seeker approaches the Sage, and they unite their energies. Great Good Fortune!
The Lines
Top : The Bees are wise. The Butterfly shows The Way. Perhaps you can't do anything right, because you are trying to do the impossible. Stop that!
5 : The Bees relate to what is happening. If you didn't break it, you don't have to fix it. No blame.
4 : The Bees do not give up. Stay on the Path. Nothing that you really need can ever be taken from you. Look ahead!
3 : The Bees spot opportunities. If it is left out in the open, anyone can come and take it. Be Aware!
2 : The Bees work. Do not count upon the success of all of your projects. Do the best you can anyway. Good luck.
1 : The Bees know things. The Butterfly lands on a Blossom. Follow your Intuition. Great Good Fortune!
Note : The Bees adapt to the situation.
Click here to read about the Changes for this Week
The Outside | The Inside | |
Following |
Traveling |
Bite Me! |
The Push |
Increase |
Limitation |
Friends |
Restraint |
Conduct |
Power |
Stuck |
Gradually |
These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Keller Rinaudo: A mini robot -- powered by your phone
Dan Ariely: What makes us feel good about our work?
Eric Dishman: Health care should be a team sport
Laura Snyder: The Philosophical Breakfast Club
Rose George: Let's talk crap. Seriously
Thomas Insel: Toward a new understanding of mental illness
Joshua Prager: In search for the man who broke my neck
Andres Lozano: Parkinson's, depression and the switch that might turn them off
BLACK: My journey to yo-yo mastery
John McWhorter: Txtng is killing language. JK!!!