Humanity Healing Blogs 50
The Hero Journey and the Archetypes of Change
Archetypes – A Basic Understanding
Cyclical Meritorious – Dispensation from Meteor Showers
The Essene Blessing for Mother Earth
Humanity Healing’s Twelve Keys of Spiritual Activism
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Humanity Healing Blogs 50
Saturday, April 26, 2014
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar : Week of Innocence
~ JUDY COLLINS ~ In My Life ~
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar
The original state of mind is innocence
Pace yourself. Be Powerful. Restrain your impulses. Recognize your Limitations. Press forward. Explore.
See the problem. Adhere to principles. Enjoy your Friends. Do the work. Make a statement. Create a Following
Be natural and genuine
The Image
Lightning strikes! Think about your attitudes. Expand your horizons. Become the Spiritual Light.
The Inside
Be very careful when you are alone on the Path of life. Be aware. Hard work eventually pays off, if you refrain from boasting about your position. Be aware. The Bees cooperate with each other. With an ally you can undertake bold ventures. Be wary, prepared, and have a definate aim in view. Good luck. The Bees adapt to the situation. Flow with the current to get into the correct position. Relax. The Bees are persistent. Do not become intoxicated by success. Maintain the methods, organization & discpline that put you where you are. Think! Do not alienate the Bees. Trouble captures those who fail to use their insight! Misfortune!
The Outside
Always be prepared for a retreat. Look ahead! Persevere in your tasks. Maintain a low profile. Good fortune. Do not allow your attitude to generate mistrust. Be real. Follow the Middle Way, and serve the people in order to accomplish larger goals. Be Real. Strive always to be just and fair, and remember that you are responsible for the results. Be Realistic! The Butterfly shows The Way. The Bees are wise. The Seeker approaches the Sage, and they unite their energies. Great Good Fortune!
The Lines
Top : The Bees are wise. The Butterfly shows The Way. Perhaps you can't do anything right, because you are trying to do the impossible. Stop that!
5 : The Bees relate to what is happening. If you didn't break it, you don't have to fix it. No blame.
4 : The Bees do not give up. Stay on the Path. Nothing that you really need can ever be taken from you. Look ahead!
3 : The Bees spot opportunities. If it is left out in the open, anyone can come and take it. Be Aware!
2 : The Bees work. Do not count upon the success of all of your projects. Do the best you can anyway. Good luck.
1 : The Bees know things. The Butterfly lands on a Blossom. Follow your Intuition. Great Good Fortune!
Note : The Bees adapt to the situation.
Click here to read about the Changes for this Week
The Outside | The Inside | |
Following |
Traveling |
Bite Me! |
The Push |
Increase |
Limitation |
Friends |
Restraint |
Conduct |
Power |
Stuck |
Gradually |
These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world
Monday, April 21, 2014
Sunday, April 20, 2014
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar : The Month of Gradual Progress
Crosby Stills Nash - Carry On / Questions
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar
Patience is a virtue
Look ahead. Repair your thinking. Control desire. Hold to Character. Discipline yourself. Be the Nourishment.
Respect the Family. Flow as Wind. Think! Retreat as needed. Meditate. Deal with the Obstruction
Proceed step by step
The Image
Know the world you live in Understand your feelings Understand your motives Grow in Wisdom
The Inside
The Dragon halts! Do not react immediately, when trouble threatens. Pay attention. The Butterfly stretches its wings. Do not allow sloppy work habits to hinder your progress. Pay attention. Do not lose control, by selling yourself short. Be confident! Everything will come together, if you will only put out an honest effort. Great Good Fortune! Control the situation, by accepting things as they are. Good Fortune. It is the duty of the wise to make knowledge availailable, only to those who seek it with sincerity & respect. Be Aware!
The Outside
Maintain harmony by adhering to family organization & discipline. Be Aware. Be aware of people who manipulate through suggestion. Counteract them with the truth. Pay attention! Observe the results of your actions to decide which Path you will follow. Think! It is wise to retreat from negative influences. Good luck. Do not waste your time on talk. Concentrate on what is real. Get smart. The Sage always knows what to do. Assistance goes where it is needed. Good Fortune.
The Lines
Top : Genius emanates from the Cosmic Mind, and its influence benefits everyone. Supreme Good Fortune!
5 : Let the strength of your character speak for you, and do not believe everything that you see or hear. Be Real!
4 : For the time being, overcome difficulties by adapting to them. No blame.
3 : Do not quarrel. State your case, and let things develop naturally. Pay attention.
2 : After securing your position, throw a party for your friends. Good luck!
1 : Be very careful when you are alone on the Path of life. Be aware.
Click here to see the Changes for this Month
The Five Weeks of Gradual Progress
Gradually : 0 through 5 Degrees Innocence : 6 through 11 Degrees Following : 12 through 17 Degrees Gathering : 18 through 23 Degrees
The Outside | The Inside | |
The Block |
Providing |
Meditation |
Control |
Retreat |
Character |
Thinking |
Control |
The Wind |
Repair |
The Family |
Spring |
These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world...
Friday, April 18, 2014
Weaving 13 : Knots 2
Weaving 13 : Knots 2
Related Knots #1 by TIAT - Uncovering Similarities
How to Tie a Bowline With One Hand by TIAT
How to Tie a Poldo Tackle by TIAT
How to Tie a Decorative Double Looped Knot by TIAT
How to Tie the Harbin Knot by TIAT
How to Tie a Plafond Knot by TIAT
How to Tie the Cloud Knot by TIAT
How to Tie the Maedate Knot by TIAT
How to Tie a Quick Rope Shackle by TIAT
How to Tie a Triskelion Knot by TIAT
Monday, April 14, 2014
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar : Week of Bite Me!
Queen - We Will Rock You and We Are The Champion (Live)
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar
This is the time to take direct action.
Recognize the Obstruction in your mind. Hold an attitude of Abundance. Proceed with Grace. Make the Approach. Be the Well. You are the Retreat
Begin making Progress. Engage the Opposition. Clarify the situation. This is not your fault. Be decisive
Be real, and follow through with what need be done
The Image
Lightning strikes! Think about your attitudes. Speak your Mind. Illuminate the Sky.
The Inside
The Dragon thinks before it acts. Wait for the opening before you make your move. Supreme Good Fortune. Take care of the Bees. You must adhere to the Truth, when an adversary comes between you, and the ruler. Be Real! Do not make a habit of indulgence. Misfortune. Evaluate people objectively on the basis of what they do. No blame. Listen, and you will find a constant Spring of Wisdom. Pay Attention! After making a complete retreat, think about striking out in a new direction. Be Creative!
The Outside
Maintain your reserve when you are striving for progress & are getting no support. Look Ahead. Unite with people who share common goals. Be aware. The Butterfly takes off. The fool wastes time in depression, and while most people are partying, the Wise prepare for the Future. Get smart. Pay attention. Use objectivity in the selection of assistants. No blame. The Bees relate to what is happening. If you didn't break it, you don't have to fix it. No blame. Maintain calm in the midst of disaster. Be Sensible!
The Lines
Top : Go for it! Eliminate disruptive influences who cannot learn from mistakes. Be Decisive!
5 : The Bees relate to what is happening. Strive always to be just and fair, and remember that you are responsible for the results. Be Realistic!
4 : Be resolute and certain that you are prepared for what you must do. Be Together!
3 : The Butterfly takes off. It is wise not to confront your adversaries with a public scene, unless you have no other choise. Be Sensible!
2 : There will be no lasting blame, if you must bluntly make your point to re-establish order. Pay attention.
1 : It is wise to restrict the movement of disruptive influences. Get Smart!
Click here to read about the Changes for this Week
The Outside | The Inside | |
Thunder |
Retreat |
Innocence |
The Well |
Providing |
Approach |
Light |
Grace |
Opposition |
Wealth |
Progress |
The Block |
These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world