Best of Ted X Youth 10
The truth about disney princesses: Jon Cozart at TEDxYouth@Austin
TEDxYouth@Manchester 2011 - Julian Baggini - Is There A Real You?
TEDxKids@Brussels - Gabe Zichermann - Gamification
Overcoming the fear of vested interest: Sanusi Lamido at TEDxYouth@Maitama
The Proposal: Jerome Jarre at TEDxYouth@SanDiego 2013
El placer de tener un problema no resuelto en la cabeza: Adrián Paenza at TEDxJoven@RiodelaPlata
Sobre fideos y jabones: Luciano Mellera at TEDxJoven@RiodelaPlata
(FIXED AUDIO) Kevin Breel: Confessions of a Depressed Comic at TEDxKids@Ambleside
The Sexy Lie: Caroline Heldman at TEDxYouth@SanDiego
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Best of Ted X Youth 10
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar : Week of The Push
David Bowie - Heroes + lyrics
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar
Initiative is required
Control your desires. Contemplate what needs to happen. Get yourself together. Consider your methods. Make adjustments. Understand Limitations
Push for Peace. Lead through example. Seize the time! Focus upon what Endures. Be the Well people drink from. Fix what is broken
Don't talk about it : Do it!
The Image
Spread across the Earth Rise to the occasion Avoid rigidity Follow the Way of Nature.
The Inside
Fit into the situation by accepting things as they are. Good Fortune. Contemplate the letter of the law, when dealing with bureaucrats to smoothly accomplish your goals. Pay Attention! The Bees love harmony. When you are having difficulty making friends with a group of people, cultivate their leader. No Blame. Respect the Bees. Be thrifty, conscientious, and aware of what is going on. Be Sensible! The Bees relate to what is happening. If you didn't break it, you don't have to fix it. No blame. The Bees mind their own business. You may need to impose limitations upon yourself, but you will provoke resistance, if you force them upon others. Be Aware.
The Outside
The Butterfly gets things started. The Bees keep busy. You need people who can work together in order to begin a new project. Be Aware. Always speak the truth & your reliability will become well known. Be Real. Followers must not try to lead in a military situation. Be aware! The right method is more important than dogged persistence. Think! Listen, & you will find a constant spring of wisdom. Pay Attention! The Butterfly changes everything. Withdraw from society when you want to pursue Spiritual goals. No blame.
The Lines
Top : The Bees are realistic. The Butterfly changes everything. Do not expect to have your own way all of the time. Grow up!
5 : The Bees are persistent. Do not become intoxicated by success. Maintain the methods, organization & discipline that put you where you are. Think!
4 : The Bees enjoy working. Dedication to your work, will eventually lead to recognition. Fear Nothing!
3 : The Bees see what is there. Whenever possible, make full use of the opportunities available. Be Creative!
2 : The Bees are practical. Content is more important than form. Great Good Fortune!
1 : The Bees keep busy. The Butterfly gets things started. Courage enough to try, is all you need to begin with. Do Something!
Note : The Bees mind their own business.
Click here to see the Changes for this Week
The Outside | The Inside | |
Repair |
Limitation |
The Well |
Innocence |
Endurance |
Travel |
The Movement |
Gathering |
Modesty |
Thinking |
Peace |
Control |
These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Global Family Blogs 12
Global Family Blogs 12
Beyond the Limits of Perception
Synchronicity & Unexpected Miracles
Monday, October 27, 2014
Tantra : The Subtle Embrace
Smile - Charlie Chaplin Tantric literature speaks of it as a heterosexual practice, but I've heard of Gay & Lesbian couples who managed to be successful with it anyway. White Tantra is probably best, since it does not require absolute physical contact or penetration. This Yoga is intended for experienced practitioners of meditation & Hatha Yoga. The energies involved are quite powerful, and not easy to control. Being extremely stable in your life & in your Spiritual Practice is essential, and with Tantra this goes double, because it works with the comingling of the energies of two people. Doing Tantra before you are properly prepared, or with a Tantric partner who is not advanced in Spiritual Practices, can lead to many unfortunate consequences. In other words, if you are not ready for this, it can make your head very wonky. Now with all those disclaimers, and the hope that no one will abuse my trust here, I'll explain how White Tantra can be practiced. You should wear comfortable non-binding clothing. There are several postures which can be used. Sitting with your partner facing you in your lap. Sitting side by side. Lying down beside each other. If you sit side by side, you should mirror each others position as closely as possible. I would have my partner sit into my lap, facing me. Then physically breathe together, matching each other's rhythymn. Visualize & connect with your partner's Chakras, Astrally breathing energy from them, while your partner does the same to you. At about 33 minutes the network should be complete, so that you & your partner are functioning as two halfs of a single 'battery'. Then the Kundalini Fire will begin to arise from where it has been coiled up at the base of your spines, and ascend to Heaven. Then Lover & Beloved will behold GOD within each other.
Once you have successfully practiced Tantra, you will still think that regular sex is great, (well, it's supposed to be, or you're doing it wrong), but compared with Tantra, regular sex is merely a passing physical pleasure, whereas Tantra brings you beyond the Portal of Eternity... This is the Sword that enters the Chalice... The Hieros Gamos... The Great Rite... These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Farm Aid Videos 6
Farm Aid Videos 6
Farm Aid 25's HOMEGROWN Village
Jamey Johnson - Can't Cash My Checks (Live at Farm Aid 25)
Jamey Johnson - Walkin' (Live at Farm Aid 25)
Jeff Tweedy - I'm The Man Who Loves You (Live at Farm Aid 25)
Jamey Johnson - Set 'Em Up Joe (Live at Farm Aid 25)
Jeff Tweedy - Sunken Treasure (Live at Farm Aid 25)
Jamey Johnson - A Moment of Forever (Live at Farm Aid 25)
Jeffy Tweedy - I'll Fight (Live at Farm Aid 25)
Jamey Johnson - Way I Am (Live at Farm Aid 25)
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Good Old Classic Cartoons 11 : Ignaz and Krazy Kat 2
Good Old Classic Cartoons 11 : Ignaz and Krazy Kat 2
Weenie Roast [1931 Krazy Kat Cartoon
Russian Dressing-Krazy Kat 1933
LI'L AINJIL-Krazy Kat (Charles Mintz/Columbia-1936)
Krazy Kat - Keeping Up With Krazy
Krazy Kat 2X- Castle Hassle/The Purloined Persian
Friday, October 24, 2014
Thursday, October 23, 2014
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar : Month of Control
Joan Baez - With God On Our Side (1965)
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar
External control in the world will go awry, when not matched with internal control of selfish desire. Meditate. Hold onto a Universal perspective. Proceed step by step. Provide just what is needed. Gradually exert Control. Examine Character Deliver what you promise. Draw a line. Exert Power. Make the Approach. Enable Happiness. Resolve Opposition The more you try to control things, the more they get out of control The Image Embrace the Earth. Strive for clarity. Speak your Mind. Learn to change. The Inside
The Dragon rests. If everything is organized, this represents only a minor setback. Get Wise. The Butterfly finds pollen and nectar. Realize that you cannot mix good and bad company with any hope of success. Get Wise! Do not quarrel. State your case, and let things develop naturally. Pay attention. Pay attention. Use objectivity in the selection of assistants. No blame. Let the strength of your character speak for you, and do not believe everything that you see or hear. Be Real! It is easier to say you are sorry, than to ask for permission. Face disaster with clarity and courage. No blame.
The Outside
Recognize a good thing when you have it! Pay Attention! Do not be decieved by appearances. Be patient, and good fortune wull return. Look ahead. The fool depends upon force. The Wise cultivate equilibrium. Meditate. Evaluate people objectively on the basis of what they do. No Blame. Avoid evil people, and their influences. Be Aware. Try to resolve tensions after an argument. Good Fortune.
The Lines
Top : Be Aware : No good will come from simply going through the motions. Misfortune.
5 : Control the situation by accepting things as they are. Good Fortune.
4 : Wait for the right situation to develop. Good Luck.
3 : Do not lose control by selling yourself short. Be confident!
2 : In a difficult situation it is advantageous to pretend that you do not see everything that is going on. Play dumb!
1 : Fit into the situation by accepting things as they are. Good Fortune.
Click here to see the Changes for this Month
The Outside | The Inside | |
Opposition |
Character |
Happiness |
Gradually |
Approach |
Providing |
Power |
Gradually |
Thunder |
Following |
Deliverance |
Autumn |
The Five Weeks of Control
The Push : 6 through 11 Degrees
Repair : 12 through 17 Degrees
Restraint : 18 through 23 Degrees
These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world