Whatever you are looking for, that is what you will find.
If you are looking for Truth, Beauty, Love, or Wisdom, you will find those things. If you are looking for lies, ugliness, hate, or foolishness, you will find those things as well. If you are looking for flaws, or mistakes, then you will find those things, too. And it doesn't matter if any of this stuff is real, or not, because you will find it anyway... even if it is not there.
You may think in your mind that you are looking for something, when actually you are not. You might be looking for what you believe is there, instead of looking at what is there. The mind can convince itself of anything. The mind can make the Truth appear to be false, and what is false to appear true. The mind can also see the Truth, and know what is false. The mind can convince itself that it makes decisions, and it does this regularly.
It is the Heart which makes decisions, and what you hold in your Heart determines what those decisions will be. The mind may think it is looking for something, when the Heart has decided otherwise, and the mind cannot prevail against that. The mind will only convince itself that it has chosen, but what you hold in your Heart will decide what the mind perceives.
Thus, to really know what you are looking for, you must examine what you are holding in your Heart.
If your Heart holds fear, then you will find fear, and fail in everything you try to do, no matter how hard you try. If your Heart holds greed, then you will find greed wherever you look, and corrupt everything you touch. If your Heart holds malice, then you will destroy everything you think you love.
Give up fear, which isn't to say that you shouldn't be prudent. Give up greed, and you will discover what true wealth is. Give up malice, and you will find Peace.
Look into your Heart, and if you don't like what you see, then throw it away...
These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
What Are You Looking For?
350.org Videos 5
350.org Videos 5
350 Days in the life of a retreating glacier
350.org: 24 October Animation in Burmese!
45sec Update from 350 Aotearoa, NZ
Caribbean Youth Call for Action on Climate Change
350 Video Organizing Guide Part 1
350 Video Organizing Guide Part 2
350 Video Organizing Guide Part 3
Oras Na (It Is Time): 350 Supporters in the Philippines Take Action for Sept 21 Global Wake Up Call
Monday, December 29, 2014
Classic Soul Music : The Chi-lites 1
Classic Soul Music : The Chi-lites 1
The Chi-lites "Have you seen her"
Write A Letter to Myself - The Chi Lites
Chi Lites ~ Stoned Out Of My Mind
The Chi Lites "I Want To Pay You Back (For Loving Me)"
The Chi-Lites - Let Me Be The Man My Daddy Was
Chi-Lites-There Will Never Be Any Peace (Until God is seated at the conference table)
Sunday, December 28, 2014
TED Fellows Talks 4
TED Fellows Talks 4
Kaustuv De Biswas - The Sunglass Project
Sanjana Hattotuwa - Using citizen journalism to bear witness to violence
Interactivity Beyond the Touchscreen
TED2012 Fellows: What are they thinking?
Skylar Tibbits - Self-assembly line
Bre Pettis: MakerBot at TED2012
Marcin Jakubowski shows his daily journal
Enter the World of the TED Fellows
TEDGlobal 2012 Fellows arrive!
Saturday, December 27, 2014
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar : Week of Contemplation
John Coltrane - Equinox (Original)
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar
Thinking is required to understand Truth
Split away from negative thinking. Push towards clarity. Approach simplicity. Do not give up. Use the Power of reason. Adopt Grace.
Strive to bring Increase. Disperse naysayers. Move steadily and Gradually. Ask for help when you are Stuck. Split Apart what is useful from what is not. Love is greater than thinking.
Contemplation begins with observation.
The Image
Accept the world as it is. Know the desires of your heart. Think logicly. Grow in Wisdom
The Inside
Wait & be aware! Stall until you can locate & understand the problem. Be sensible. The Bees are practical. Content is more important than form. Great Good Fortune! Do not relax & allow things to fall apart by becoming too comfortable. Pay Attention. Success comes after difficulties are resolved. Be patient & persevering. Success comes from striving to maintain harmony in your business. Be Fair. A simple clear form is the fullness of Grace. Be Clear.
The Outside
Use your good fortunes to further the advancement of humanity. Good Luck. The Bees are cooperative. When the causes of separation lie within yourself, disolve the patterns of narrow thinking which perpetuate the problem. Get Wise! Do not quarrel. State your case, & let things develop naturally. Pay attention. Do not assume authority without general consent. Be realistic. Strive to be the center of union when everything is splitting apart. Good luck. Do your best. If you lose your head, then you may have lost it all! Misfortune!
The Lines
Top : Only when you know yourself, can you see the world as it is. Be Realistic!
5 : If you truly know yourself, you will be able to live without blame. Good Luck!
4 : The Butterfly lives in Harmony. Assist the development of wisdom among your friends. Great Good Fortune!
3 : Observe the results of your actions to decide which Path you will follow. Think!
2 : The Bees are cooperative. Contemplate the letter of the law, when dealing with bureaucrats to smoothly accomplish your goals. Pay Attention!
1 : Understand the difference between seeing things as they are, and being able to do something about it. Get Wise!
Click here to see the Changes for this Week
The Outside | The Inside | |
Love |
Grace |
The Split |
Power |
Stuck |
Oppression |
Gradually |
Approach |
Dispersion |
The Push |
Increase |
The Split |
These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world...
Global Family Blogs 21
Global Family Blogs 21
The Challenges of Being Empathic
What is the Best That Could Happen?
Political Solutions
Phil Ochs - I Ain't Marchin' Anymore
Here are a set of articles I've written about Political Solutions. We can only get so far, when we discuss political problems. In discussing Solutions we begin to make them happen
Nature Photo Galleries
American Friends Service Committee Videos 4
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Monday, December 22, 2014
The Glass Digest One
The Glass Digest One
Glass Blowing 6 : History of Glass Making