Imperial March
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar
Power comes from within, and implements change without
Prepare to change. Maintain the attitude of Innocence. Retreat for understanding. Cultivate Grace. Think things through. Do not give up
Stick to it. Imagine Abundance. Exert Control. Work for Peace. Strive for the Breakthrough. Enjoy Success
Use Power to Create
The Image
Make things happen. Rise to the occasion. Understand prevailing attitudes. Learn to change without.
The Inside
Do not begin before you are ready. Be careful. The Bees work. Do not count upon the success of all of your projects. Do the best you can anyway. Good luck. When retreat is essential, it may be necessary to cooperate with your adversaries for the time being. Be sensible! Follow the warnings of your Intuition. Conserve your resources, and wait. Be aware. If you truly know yourself, you will be able to live without blame. Good Luck! Do not allow negative thinking to hold you back. Look ahead!
The Outside
Make certain that you will complete the projects you have taken on. Be real. Take care of the Bees. You must adhere to the Truth, when an adversary comes between you, and the ruler. Be Real! Do not lose control by selling yourself short. Be confident! The Butterfly joins the party. In a time of Peace social distinctions are relaxed, and people mingle freely. Great Good Fortune. Be firm and resolute when disassociating yourself from negative influences. Be real. All situations serve to Enlighten those who are devoted to Truth. Supreme Good Fortune.
The Lines
Top : Consolidate your position after succeeding with leverage, then take a rest. Meditate.
5 : A cooperative arrangement is beneficial to all concerned. Great Good Fortune.
4 : The Butterfly joins the party. Explain your position with sincerity and discretion. Good Luck.
3 : Do not underestimate your opposition, or overestimate your strength. Be Aware.
2 : Take care of the Bees. Do not expose yourself as a target before overwhelming force. Withdraw, and await the time for action. Think.
1 : Follow the Middle Way. Pursue your goals after organizing your methods. No blame.
Click here to read about the Week of Power
The Outside | The Inside | |
Success |
Oppression |
Breakthrough |
Contemplation |
Peace |
Grace |
Control |
Retreat |
Wealth |
Innocence |
Endurance |
Breakthrough |
These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world