Science Digest Special Edition Forty Five
Doctors Without Borders Videos 34
Documentaries, Artists, Philosophers, and Scientists 21
Doctors Without Borders Videos 35
Documentaries, Artists, Philosophers, and Scientists 22
Science Digest Special Edition Forty Four
Friday, September 23, 2016
Science Digest Special Edition Forty Five
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : The Autumn Season
Doris Day - Autumn Leaves - 1956
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar : Season of Autumn
The Cycle of the Year is completed in Autumn
Pause to think. Cultivate character. Flexibility is required. Do something. Promote the positive. Curb the negative.
Observe the situation. Listen. Hold on. Explain with clarity. Innovate. Complete your tasks.
The Image
Light up the Earth Know your own feelings Understand your motives Express Love
The Inside
The Dragon Halts! Do not react immediately when trouble threatens. Pay Attention! The Dragon is patient. Cultivate the internal strength by developing a hidden talent. Good Fortune! The Dragon is flexible. Get your friends to help you into a new situation. Good Luck. The Dragon leaps into the air. Choose between pursuing your Path in private, or beginning a public career. Good Luck! The Dragon Succeeds! Encourage people in accomplishing their goals. Supreme Good Fortune! Dragons Fighting! Violence destroys both the good, and the evil in people. Misfortune.
The Outside
The Dragon thinks before it acts. Wait for the opening before you make your move. Supreme Good Fortune. The Dragon listens without comment. Avoid conflict, and cultivate internal strength. Meditate. The Dragon stays home. Do not try to force the impossible. Be Sensible! The Dragon's viewpoint is universal, and therfore clear to all. Radical changes succeed only when based solidly upon Truth. Be Real! The Crazy Dragon slips through the net! Keep them laughing, and don't let them know what you are doing. Good Luck! The Dragon does nothing. Supreme Good Fortune comes, when everyone assumes their responsibilities, and does their job. Meditate.
The Lines
Top : The Dragon does not look back. While bringing a project to completion, consider plans for the future. Look ahead.
5 : The Dragon makes the law simple and fair. Organize your life according to natural, universal principles. Be Real!
4 : The Dragon remains cautious and thorough. A great deal of trouble could be avoided, if you would only learn from mistakes. Pay attention.
3 : The Dragon conquers new territory. Only experienced help can deal with challenging situations. Do not hire anyone else. Be aware.
2 : The Dragon meets a closed door. Everyone must learn how to wait. Be patient.
1 : The Dragon rests. If everything is organized, this represents only a minor setback. Get Wise.
Notes : The Dragon Halts! The Dragon is patient. The Dragon is flexible. The Dragon leaps into the air. The Dragon Succeeds! Dragons Fighting!
Click here to read more about the Season of Autumn
The three months of Autumn
These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world
The Outside | The Inside | |
Family |
Winter |
Adversity |
Spring |
Change |
Creative |
Start |
Spring |
Waiting |
Spring |
Block |
Spring |
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : Week of Magic
The Lovin' Spoonful - Do You Believe In Magic - 1965
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar
To exert influence, is to work Magick.
Prepare your attitude for Meeting. Allow for Decrease in an exchange. Adhere to what Endures. Employ Gentle persuasion. Bring about a balance. Avoid sudden change
Prepare before you act. Express Character. Gather your forces. Focus on the Obstruction. Face Danger. Retreat when necessary
Be sparing in the use of Influence
The Image
Know the world you live in Be aware of what people think Use imagination Be gracious
The Inside
The Dragon does not waste time. Correct trouble before it does harm. Think! Rely upon and protect your personal resources and knowledge. Get wise. Maintain your inner balance. Do not give trouble power over you. Be sensible! Coordinate your activities, and you will get everything done. Good Luck! Fortune smiles upon those who walk the Path of Truth. Never fear. Maintain calm in the midst of disaster. Be sensible.
The Outside
Plan the revolution very carefully. Think. This is a good time to make a new beginning. Be creative! The Bees love harmony. When you are having difficulty making friends with a group of people, cultivate their leader. No Blame. Make certain that people will adhere to their agreements. Pay attention! The Butterfly seeks a mate. Seek the advice of the Wise in times of danger, & listen! After making a complete retreat, think about striking out in a new direction. Be creative!
The Lines
Top : If you brag about what you are going to do, you probably will never get around to it. Misfortune.
5 : The Butterfly seeks a mate. Maintain an open mind. Good Luck.
4 : Communicate with people. Do not manipulate them. Pay attention.
3 : The Bees love harmony. Do not allow your emotions to dominate your activities. Think!
2 : Be well centered, and await the correct moment for action. Be sensible!
1 : An idea must be acted upon, if there is to be any effect. Be creative!
Click here to see the Changes for this Week
The Outside | The Inside | |
Retreat |
Thunder |
Danger |
Decrease |
Block |
Gentle |
Gathering |
Endurance |
Character |
Decrease |
Change |
Meeting |
These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world
The Blog Digest One Hundred Five
The Blog Digest One Hundred Five
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar : The Month of Breakthrough
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar : Week of Power
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar : Week of the Pot
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The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar : Week of the Success
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar : Week of the Endurance
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar : The Month of Character
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Meet the Ding Dong Show 20 : James Clair Lewis
The Blog Digest One Hundred Four
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : Week of Friendship
Joe Cocker - With A Little Help From My Friends
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar
There is strength in Friendship.
Meet in Friendship. Expect Success. Be generous. Be patient. Make the first move. Make Progress without pushing
Step back. Use insight. Be natural. Simply fit in. Express yourself. Bend with circumstances
A Friend will both give and receive
The Image
Light up the Earth Know your own feelings Employ Imagination Become the Spiritual Light
The Inside
Use extreme care in the making of plans. Be Aware. Hard workers are essential for large projects. Think! The Wise make sacrifices for their integrity. A fool hoards the wealth that he has. Be Real. Pay attention to advice, and you will not be isolated in the midst of struggle. Strive for clarity. Think! In crucial situations success comes when the troops are led by experienced leaders. Get wise! Always use the minimum amount of force, when dealing with difficult situations & people. Be Sensible!
The Outside
Do not try anything rash, when you are in a retreat. Be aware! The Dragon wakes up! Begin working, and see how much you can accomplish. Be confident. The Bees spot opportunities. If it is left out in the open, anyone can come and take it. Be Aware! Great Good Fortune comes from fulfilling your duties in the family. Be real. The Butterfly plays with friends. Release yourself from mistaken attitudes and beliefs. Good Fortune. Do not expect people to fully understand, and adapt to change. Realize how much can be accomplished now, and make plans for the Future. Get Wise!
The Lines
Top : There is no blame in being friendly with your neighbors, if you mind your own business. Pay Attention.
5 : The Butterfly plays with friends. After struggling with circumstances, those who have Love, will be united. Great Good Fortune.
4 : End conflict by coming to your senses. Good Fortune.
3 : The Bees spot opportunities. Do not allow your attitude to generate mistrust. Be Real.
2 : The Dragon is not fooled. Avoid friendships which carry a price. Be Aware.
1 : Friendship is based upon Truth. Be careful.
Click here to see the Changes for this Week
The Outside | The Inside | |
Change |
Progress |
Light |
The Movement |
Family |
Waiting |
Innocence |
Success |
Creative |
Success |
Retreat |
Meeting |
These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world