The Blog Digest One Hundred Eight
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : Week of Repair
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : Week of Restraint
Meet the Elephant Sanctuary 14
Classic Jazz : Vince Guaraldi 1
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : Week of Peace
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : Month of Deliverance
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : Week of Meditation
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : Week of Modesty
The Blog Digest One Hundred Seven
Friday, December 30, 2016
The Blog Digest One Hundred Eight
Doctors Without Borders Videos 38
Doctors Without Borders Videos 38
Starved for Attention Event at Boston Public Library - Panel Discussion
Starved for Attention Event at Boston Public Library - Audience Q&A
MSF Frontline Reports podcast Ep. 70 - Giving Children with HIV the Support They Need
Put Your Ideals into Practice - Medical staff needed for global emergencies.
Haiti: Water and Sanitation, an Essential Role to Fulfill
Health Held Hostage to Politics
Time To Act - Afghanistan: Healthcare in Helmand
Agir maintenant - Choléra, une nouvelle urgence
Time To Act - Spreading the word on prevention
Time To Act - Water and sanitation, an essential role to fulfill
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : Week of Contemplation
John Coltrane - Equinox (Original)
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar
Thinking is required to understand Truth
Split away from negative thinking. Push towards clarity. Approach simplicity. Do not give up. Use the Power of reason. Adopt Grace.
Strive to bring Increase. Disperse naysayers. Move steadily and Gradually. Ask for help when you are Stuck. Split Apart what is useful from what is not. Love is greater than thinking.
Contemplation begins with observation.
The Image
Accept the world as it is. Know the desires of your heart. Think logicly. Grow in Wisdom
The Inside
Wait & be aware! Stall until you can locate & understand the problem. Be sensible. The Bees are practical. Content is more important than form. Great Good Fortune! Do not relax & allow things to fall apart by becoming too comfortable. Pay Attention. Success comes after difficulties are resolved. Be patient & persevering. Success comes from striving to maintain harmony in your business. Be Fair. A simple clear form is the fullness of Grace. Be Clear.
The Outside
Use your good fortunes to further the advancement of humanity. Good Luck. The Bees are cooperative. When the causes of separation lie within yourself, disolve the patterns of narrow thinking which perpetuate the problem. Get Wise! Do not quarrel. State your case, & let things develop naturally. Pay attention. Do not assume authority without general consent. Be realistic. Strive to be the center of union when everything is splitting apart. Good luck. Do your best. If you lose your head, then you may have lost it all! Misfortune!
The Lines
Top : Only when you know yourself, can you see the world as it is. Be Realistic!
5 : If you truly know yourself, you will be able to live without blame. Good Luck!
4 : The Butterfly lives in Harmony. Assist the development of wisdom among your friends. Great Good Fortune!
3 : Observe the results of your actions to decide which Path you will follow. Think!
2 : The Bees are cooperative. Contemplate the letter of the law, when dealing with bureaucrats to smoothly accomplish your goals. Pay Attention!
1 : Understand the difference between seeing things as they are, and being able to do something about it. Get Wise!
Click here to see the Changes for this Week
The Outside | The Inside | |
Love |
Grace |
The Split |
Power |
Stuck |
Oppression |
Gradually |
Approach |
Dispersion |
The Push |
Increase |
The Split |
These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world...
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : Month of Splitting Apart
Ella Fitzgerald: Sleigh Ride
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar
Nothing is permanent
Be Receptive to what is there, rather than what you think is there. Be Modest and good humored. Return to the basics. Deliver yourself from negative influences. Break Through that knot in your head. Embrace your Family.
Be a Giver, not a Taker. Kindly correct the Fool. Meditate to maintain proper perspective. Work towards Progress. Think before you act. Observe the results.
Sort out what you really need from what you merely want.
The Image
Accept the world as it is. Know the desires of your heart. Listen to the words of Dragons. Study the Ancient Wisdom
The Inside
The Dragon uses foresight. A hidden defect can doom a project to failure. Be careful. Always speak the truth, & your reliability will become well known. Be Real. It is difficult to choose between Spirtual & material values. In your heart you know what you must do. Think! Deliver yourself from parasites, so that you can unite with real people. No Blame. Be firm & resolute, when dis-associating yourself from negative influences. Be Real. The Dragon does nothing. Supreme good fortune comes, when everyone assumes their responsibilities, & does their job. Meditate.
The Outside
Greed is not becoming upon one who seeks respect. Misfortune! No one has ever attained Enlightenment, without developing a sense of humor. It is easier to alter the course of the Moon, than to explain a simple truth to a fool. Get it. Trying too hard is as bad as not trying at all. Seek the Middle Way. Be Realistic! Beware of Greed, both in the world, & within yourself. Be Real! If you truly know yourself, you will be able to live without blame. Good Luck! Dragons Fighting! Violence destroys both the good & the evil in people. Misfortune!
The Lines
Top : Dragons fighting! it is better to be an axe, than a piece of wood. The situation is out of control. Get out now, before disaster strikes! Good Fortune!
5 : Strive to be the center of union, when everything is splitting apart. Good Luck! Do your best!
4 : Accept the Truth. You cannot evade the results of mis-directed activity. Come clean & plead for mercy. There will be a transition of alliances. Learn something!
3 : It is difficult, but favorable to split from a bad scene. Be Aware!
2 : Be aware & flexible, in order to avoid the worst of outcomes. Pay Attention!
1 : Wait & be aware! Stall until you can locate & understand the problem. Be sensible!
Note : The Dragon uses foresight.
Click here to see the Changes for this Month
The Outside | The Inside | |
Winter |
The Family |
Thinking |
Breakthrough |
Progress |
Deliverance |
Meditation |
Return |
Stupidity |
Modesty |
Providing |
Winter |
The five Weeks of Splitting Apart
Splitting Apart : 0 through 5 degrees
Contemplation : 6 through 11 degrees
The Start : 12 through 17 degrees
Increase : 24 through 29 degrees
These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world...
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : Winter
Deck the Halls : Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby
Brightest Blessings and Merry Meet!
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar
Be open to the world around you, and the world within. Listen to what you are hearing. See what you are looking at. Pay attention to beginnings. Use imagination. Consider results.
Return to basics. Make decisions based upon facts. Be Kind. Express Enthusiasm. Be Loving. Leave quietly.
Be true to your Visions and Dreams.
The Image
Accept the world as it is. Know the desires of your heart. Listen to the words of Dragons. Follow the Way of Nature
The Inside
The Dragon uses foresight. A hidden defect can doom a project to failure. Be careful. The Dragon lives by the Laws of Nature. You should live according to your True nature, as well. Be Aware. The Dragon is a catalyst. Simply attend to your work. Be Real. The Dragon acts without hesitation. Do what you must do, and prepare for the future. No Blame. The Dragon flies through space. A great leader serves as a catalyst, teaching through example and deed. Supreme Good Fortune! The Dragon does not look back. While bringing a project to completion, consider plans for the future. Look ahead.
The Outside
The Dragon depends upon foresight. When the beginning is correct, what follows moves smoothly. Be smart. The Dragon lives by the Laws of Nature. Assume responsibilities, and carry out instructions. Supreme good fortune! The Dragon is a catalyst. The work speaks for itself. Supreme Good Fortune! The Dragon is invisible. Just be there. Good Fortune. Fear Nothing! The Dragon uses Love to work the Magick that unites people. Those who do not belong, will leave, but your friends will remain. Supreme Good Fortune! Dragons fighting! It is better to be an axe, than a piece of wood. The situation is out of control. Get out now, before disaster strikes! Good Fortune!
The Lines
Top : Dragons Fighting! Violence destroys both the good & the evil in people. Misfortune!
5 : The Dragon is wise. If you are truly understanding, people will seek your advice. Be Fair.
4 : The Dragon is invisible. Maintain a low profile. No Blame.
3 : The Dragon is a catalyst. Simply attend to your work. Be Real.
2 : The Dragon lives by the Laws of Nature. You should live according to your True nature, as well. Be Aware.
1 : The Dragon uses foresight. A hidden defect can doom a project to failure. Be careful.
No changing lines : Longlasting perseverance has Supreme success!
Notes : The Dragon uses foresight. The Dragon lives by the Laws of Nature. The Dragon is a catalyst. The Dragon acts without hesitation. The Dragon flies through space. The Dragon does not look back.
Click here to read about the Changes for this Season
The Outside | The Inside | |
The Split |
Autumn |
Love |
Summer |
Yes! |
Spring |
Modesty |
Winter |
The Movement |
Winter |
Return |
Winter |
The Three Months of Winter
These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world...