The Gaian Dragon
Baking so simple, a Guy can do it!
From an old German recipe...
From my GrandFather’s Church, the First Presbyterian Church of Far Rockaway, New York, with the wonderful stained glass
Kitchen Witch Kuchen
for 8 by 8 inch glass pan:
2 cups flour : organic whole wheat finely milled
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 cup organic olive oil
1 free-range naturally fed chicken egg from a Chicken who knows you personally, and is OK with this…
2/3 cup milk substitute, like Hemp Milk, almond milk, etc…
couple tablespoons of wheat germ
Trail Mix of nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and nice surprises
fresh peaches or plums or apples
0) Invoke Goddess!!!
1) sift flour & baking soda
2) add wheat germ
3) add organic, pure olive oil
4) add egg and milk substitute
5) mix with tablespoon until it's really mixed
6) Add Trail Mix to taste, and mix that in too
7) smear olive oil inside glass pan
8) spread the dough evenly into pan (good luck)
9) cut peaches or plums in half, and remove pits (apples are good, too)
10) cover dough with fruit skin side down, densely
11) sprinkle with organic raw sugar & cinnamon to taste
set oven to 375F for 38 minutes
oven temperatures and times vary...
disappears rapidly in the presence of children...
Friday, January 27, 2017
Kitchen Witch Kuchen
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : The Week of Limitation
Chambers Brothers - Time Has Come Today (Rare live extended version...*louder audio*)
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar
Limitation generates focus
Be confident that you can Provide. Overcome Depression by working. Disperse selfish motivations. Retain your Innocence. Travel with imagination. Push for something greater than yourself.
Be ready for Trouble. Start working on your project. Wait for the right moment to move. Try to make people Happy. Approach people who can help. Stick with the Truth.
Work within Limitations to get past them.
The Image
Embrace the Earth. Recognize the moment. Be Logical. Express Love
The Inside
Greed is not becoming upon one who seeks respect. Misfortune! Do not give up easily or yield yourself to boredom. Grow up! The Bees work for the Colony. Replace personal motivations with universal ones. Supreme Good Fortune! The Bees do not give up. Stay on The Path. Nothing that you really need can ever be taken from you. Look ahead! See how Bees do things. When you find the company you are seeking, introduce yourself with a gift. Great Good Fortune! The Bees are realistic. Do not expect to have your own way all of the time. Grow up!
The Outside
The Butterfly emerges from its cocoon. The Bees stay inside the hive. Do not make a habit of expecting everything to go wrong. Think! Think and wait. Do not accept help from your adversary. Be aware. Do not act rashly. Exercise caution, and you can still save the situation. Be Aware. It is difficult to choose the good after having tasted evil. Good luck. Recruit people of proven ability, and allow them to organize within their fields without interference. Be Wise. The Wise embody their ideals. A fanatic can only parrot ideas and beliefs. Be Real.
The Lines
Top : The Bees mind their own business. You may need to impose limitations upon yourself, but you will provoke resistance, if you force them upon others. Be Aware.
5 : The Bees are always around. A good example communicates through its presence, rather than through admonitions. Be real.
4 : The Bees adapt to the situation. Flow with the current to get into the correct position. Relax.
3 : The Bees save for the future. Budget your resources or you will experience blame. Think.
2 : The Bees go out to forage. Do not wait any longer. Go for it!
1 : The Bees stay inside the hive. The Butterfly emerges from its cocoon. Concentrate upon internal work, because there are days when it would be better not to get out of bed at all. Meditate.
Click here to see the Changes for this Week
The Outside | The Inside | |
Truth |
The Push |
Approach |
Traveling |
Happiness |
Innocence |
Waiting |
Dispersion |
The Start |
Oppression |
Trouble |
Providing |
These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world...
Friday, January 20, 2017
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : Month of Providing
Crosby, Stills & Nash_ Teach Your Children @ Live Aid
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar
Be the Source of Nourishment
See what is needed. Understand the Dangers. Seek to Provide. Exercise Control. Develop Character. Work Gradually.
Recognize divisions. Decrease imbalances. Proceed with Grace. Make your move. Bring Increase to all. Make a completed circuit.
Providing Nourishment must be sustainable.
The Image
Lightning strikes! Know the desires of your heart. Listen to the words of Dragons. Study the Ancient Wisdom
The Inside
The Dragon depends upon foresight. A hidden defect can doom a project to failure. Be careful.The Butterfly stretches its wings. Employ restraint in using indirect methods, or in playing one faction against another. Be careful! Do not be possessed by selfish desires. Be generous. Wait for the right situation to develop. Good luck. Maintain friendly relations with all kinds of people. No blame, and no praise either... Genius emanates from the Cosmic Mind, and its influence benefits everyone. Supreme Good Fortune!
The Outside
Wait & be aware! Stall until you can locate & understand the problem. Be sensible! Rely upon and protect your personal resources and knowledge. Get wise. Do not make a habit of indulgence. Misfortune. Be resolute and certain that you are prepared for what you must do. Be Together! Follow The Path by making Kindness a habit. Supreme Good Fortune! Do not fail to come to terms. Come Clean!
The Lines
Top : It is the duty of the Wise to make knowledge available only to those who seek it with sincerity and respect. Be Aware!
5 : Seek Wisdom with Humility when you hold a responsible position. Be sensible. Do not use force!
4 : Pay attention. Use objectivity in the selection of assistants. No blame.
3 : Do not be possessed by selfish desires. Be generous.
2 : Carry your own weight. Do not attach yourself to people simply because of what they can give you. Be Responsible!
1 : Greed is not becoming upon one who seeks respect. Misfortune!
Notes : The Dragon uses foresight. The Bees stay inside the hive. The Butterfly emerges from its cocoon.
Click here to see the Changes for this Month
The Five Weeks of Providing Nourishment
Providing : 0 through 5 Degrees Limitation : 6 through 11 Degrees Trouble : 12 through 17 Degrees Dispersion : 18 through 23 Degrees Inner Truth : 24 through 29 Degrees
The Outside | The Inside | |
Return |
Gradually |
Increase |
Character |
Bite Me! |
Control |
Grace |
Providing |
Decrease |
Danger |
The Split |
Winter |
These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world...
Monday, January 16, 2017
Saturday, January 14, 2017
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : The Week of Increase
Ella Fitzgerald : It Don't Mean a Thing
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar
The effort to create generates increase
Split complex projects up into simple tasks. Prepare to do a lot of work. Seek to balance what isn't. Keep the Happiness of all in mind. Focus upon what is Enduring. Meditate upon how things get done.
Think before you act. Work for Truth. Stick with your Family. Be honest and remain free of real blame. Provide for the future. Start on the next project as you complete the current one.
True Increase benefits everyone, yourself included.
The Image
Lightning strikes! Know the desires of your Heart. Be Logical. Grow in Wisdom
The Inside
Wait & be aware! Stall until you can locate & understand the problem. Be sensible! If you are willing to work hard, you can take on, & complete a large & responsible project. Good Fortune. Realize where you belong, and allow things to happen naturally. Relax! It is difficult to begin to choose good after having tasted evil. Good luck. Know when to adhere to social conventions, and when to do as you please. Pay attention. Modesty comes from an understanding of the world, and the Laws of Nature. Supreme Good Fortune!
The Outside
Understand the difference between seeing things as they are, and being able to do something about it. Get Wise! Base your relationships upon Spiritual affinities. Supreme Good Fortune! Set up rules which protect each person's freedom, and enforce them. Get Wise. The Bees do not give up. Stay on the Path. Nothing that you really need can ever be taken from you. Look ahead. Seek Wisdom with Humility when you hold a responsible position. Be sensible. Do not use force! You will get nowhere, unless you correct your mistakes. Keep on trying. Misfortune!
The Lines
Top : People will know if you are a jerk, and they might not like what they see. Will you? Pay Attention.
5 : Follow the Path by making kindness a habit. Supreme Good Fortune!
4 : The Bees do not give up. Follow the Middle Way, and serve the people in order to accomplish larger goals. Be Real.
3 : Comply with regulations when setting up an operation. Be careful!
2 : Great Good Fortune comes without fail to those who live according to the Universal Laws. Be Wise!
1 : Use your good fortunes to further the advancement of humanity. Good Luck.
The Outside | The Inside | |
The Start |
Meditation |
Providing |
Endurance |
Innocence |
Happiness |
The Family |
Decrease |
Truth |
Endurance |
Thinking |
The Split |
These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world...