The Blog Digest One Hundred Ten
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : Month of Providing
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : The Week of Limitation
Kitchen Witch Kuchen (to be Updated)
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : The Week of Trouble
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : The Week of Dispersion
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : The Week of Inner Truth
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : The Month of Return
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : The Week of Approach
The Blog Digest One Hundred Nine
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
The Blog Digest One Hundred Ten
Monday, March 27, 2017
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : The Week of Thunder
75 minutes of thunder and rain
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar
Recognize the Block. Hear the Thunder. Maintain the Meditative state of mind. Allow for a Decrease. Hold onto Gentleness. Be open to Influence.
Stir up Enthusiasm. Assert Control. Be the source of Abundance. Create a Return. Establish a Following. Simply Bite Through
A Shock need not be a disaster
The Image
Lightning strikes! Think about your attitudes. Speak your Mind. Learn to change.
The Inside
The Dragon thinks before it acts. Wait for the opening before you make your move. Supreme Good Fortune. Do not be deceived by appearances. Be patient, and good fortune will return. Look ahead. Trying too hard is as bad as not trying at all. Seek the Middle Way. Be realistic! People will approach you after you rid yourself of bad habits and misconceptions. Listen. Use your imagination to overhaul the defect in this project. Some changes are necessary. Be Creative. If you brag about what you are going to do, you probably will never get around to it. Misfortune.
The Outside
Don't boast or share your plans with everyone. Be sensible! In a difficult situation it is advantageous to pretend that you do not see everything that is going on. Play dumb! Do not anger the Bees. Be patient when no one will hear you, especially if you know what you are talking about. No blame. The world is full of fools. You should cultivate the company of friends on The Path of Truth. Be Real. The Butterfly transforms the Universe. Dedicate your life to the Path of Truth. Fear nothing. Supreme Good Fortune! Go for it! Eliminate disruptive influences who cannot learn from mistakes. Be Decisive!
The Lines
Top : Maintain calm in the midst of disaster. Be Sensible!
5 : The Butterfly transforms the Universe. Stay on the Path throughout all of the troubles that life can bring. Danger, and Good Fortune!
4 : Use the internal strength for leverage when you are stuck. Think!
3 : Do not anger the Bees. Do not become upset by a sudden turn in events. Remain calm. No blame.
2 : Do not be decieved by appearances. Be patient, and good fortune wull return. Look ahead.
1 : Fear nothing. Do what you must do. Be Real!
Click here to see the Changes for this Week
Thunder's Circle of Friends
The Outside | The Inside | |
Bite Me! |
Magick |
Following |
The Gentle |
Return |
Decrease |
Wealth |
Meditation |
Control |
Thunder |
Yes! |
The Block |
These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world...
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : The Month of the Block
35711 Primes
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar
An obstruction is an opportunity
Prepare Before Completion. Deal with your own Stupidity. Carry through a Deliverance. Recognize a Meeting. Face Opposition. Bring about a Return.
See how things will be After Completion. Dig a Well. Proceed with Love. Use Influence. Be Modest. Persist in Gradual Progress
Match internal and external changes to overcome Obstruction
The Image
Know the world you live in. Do not allow emotions to cloud your thinking. Understand your motives. Maintain emotional harmony
The Inside
The Dragon halts! Do not react immediately when trouble threatens. Pay attention! No one has attained Enlightenment without developing a sense of humor. It is easier to alter the course of the Moon, than to explain a simple truth to a fool. Get it. The fool invites theft by displaying wealth. Misfortune! Everything will come together, if you will only put out an honest effort. Great Good Fortune! Strive to communicate. Do not allow opposition to blind your judgement. Great Good Fortune. Do not fail to come to terms. Come clean!
The Outside
The Dragon rests. If everything is organized, this represents only a minor set-back. Get wise. Talents & gifts of the mind, have value only when they are used. Be bold! Be friendly to all, but do not attach yourself to people who do not love you. Be sensible! Communicate with people. Do not manipulate them. Pay attention! Do not talk about how great you are. Don't you have something to do? Get real! Genius emanates from the Cosmic Mind, and its influence benefits everyone. Supreme Good Fortune!
The Lines
Top : The Sage always knows what to do. Assistance goes where it is needed. Good Fortune.
5 : Eliminate problems by channeling the right people in the right directions. Get Wise, & be careful.
4 : Make certain that people will adhere to their agreements. Pay attention!
3 : Retreat when the danger is too great. Do the smart thing. No blame.
2 : Be sensible. Face danger only when it is necessary. Be Careful.
1 : The Dragon rests. Wait for the opening before you make your move. Supreme Good Fortune.
Click here to read about the Changes for this Month
The Five Weeks of The Block
The Block : 0 through 5 Degrees THUNDER : 6 through 11 Degrees Progress : 18 through 23 Degrees Bite Me! : 24 through 29 Degrees
The Outside | The Inside | |
Gradually |
Return |
Modesty |
Opposition |
Magick |
Meeting |
Love |
Deliverance |
The Well |
Stupidity |
Autumn |
Spring |
These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world...
Monday, March 20, 2017
The Gaian Dragon I Ching : The Spring Season
Green Mother Blessing
Brightest Blessings and Merry Meet!
The Gaian Dragon I Ching Calendar
Nature regenerates in Spring.
Consider the direction in which you have been going. Have faith in the future. Make plans for how to get there. Be Receptive to change. You need to understand how other people think. Move towards Enlightenment.
Do not create Opposition. Strive for Progress. Look for people willing to help. Do not hire Stupid people. Divert Conflict. Move towards Deliverance.
Imagine. Inspire. Invent. Implement.
The Image
Feel what is going on. Strive for clarity. Speak your Mind. Illuminate the Sky.
The Inside
The Dragon Rests. If everything is organized, this represents only a minor set-back. Get Wise. The Dragon meets a closed door. Everyone must learn how to wait. Be patient. The Dragon conquers new territory. Only experienced help can deal with challenging situations. Do not hire anyone else. Be Aware. The Dragon is invisible. Maintain a low profile. No Blame. The Dragon makes the law simple and fair. Organize your life according to natural universal principles. Be Real. The Evil Dragon flies toward disaster. Destruction awaits those who misuse their powers. Misfortune.
The Outside
The Dragon remains calm. Do not aggravate the situation. Think! The Dragon Maintains confidence. A positive attitude encourages a harmonious outcome. Good Luck! The Dragon is invisible. Concentrate upon your real work in private. No Blame. The Dragon sees, but does not react. When a situation becomes tangled, sometimes it is best to let it run its course. Think! A Dragon's judgement is wise and fair, because it comes from a universal viewpoint, and the reality of the situation. Speak the truth without fear. No Blame. The Dragon is prepared in advance, and therefore fears nothing. Give it a shot. Go for it!
The Lines
Top : The Dragon attends the Gather! Celebrate victory, but do not get wasted. Get Wise.
5 : The Dragon succeeds! Encourage people in accomplishing their goals. Supreme Good Fortune!
4 : The Dragon acts without hesitation. Do what you must do, and prepare for the future. No Blame.
3 : The Dragon is flexible. Get your friends to help you into a new situation. Good Luck.
2 : The Dragon is patient. Cultivate the internal strength by developing a hidden talent. Good Fortune!
1 : The Dragon Halts! Do not react immediately when trouble threatens. Pay Attention!
Notes : The Dragon rests. The Dragon meets a closed door. The Dragon conquers new territory. The Dragon is invisible. The Dragon makes the law simple and fair. The Evil Dragon flies toward disaster.
Click here to see the Changes for Spring
The three Months of Spring
The Outside | The Inside | |
Deliverance |
Summer |
Conflict |
Autumn |
Stupidity |
Winter |
The Pot |
Autumn |
Progress |
Autumn |
Opposition |
Autumn |
These animated Moving Mandalas are very large files. Please click on the pic, and wait for it to load. The Contemplation will be very enabling, carrying your Mind beyond the mundane world